The scent of burning marijuana and the echoes of a stoner’s dream playlist could be detected Sunday far outside the barren field off an unassuming road in Scottsville where the first Roc City Cannabis Carnival was under way.
The event drew several thousand people and brought together a who’s-who of upstate New York’s burgeoning weed industry. Seventy-eight vendors offered up a dizzying array of pot products, from regular old bud to extracts, tinctures, and even cannabis-infused chicken wings. Attendees stood in a line about half a mile long for samples.
While using cannabis recreationally is legal in New York, the infrastructure for a recreational market likely won’t be established for another year, and selling it is still illegal. But businesses are finding a way around those restrictions by using the so-called “gifting” clause in state law.
– Read the entire article at Rochester City Newspaper.