How To Take A Dab Effectively Even If You’re A Beginner

How To Take A Dab; Step By Step Guide For Both Beginners & Experienced Weed Users

What makes dabbing flawless? The most important factors are time, temperature, and method. Good concentrates and a neat tool are also vital factors. 

You will get to know exactly the best technique on how to take a dab after following through with this guide. 

When it comes to temperature, the ultimate aim is to achieve the correct temperature for dabbing. Low-temperature dabs are indeed the best since they conserve terpenes while still being gentle on human lungs. 

Considering the nail’s parameters might assist you to figure out how to heat it exactly right. We will go over the techniques to achieve the best hit.  

Although some trial and error are required, it is difficult to achieve excellence without practicing at all.

How Do You Do Dabs?

Right before learning techniques to dab at the best possible temperature, you should know the basics of how to take a proper dab. 

If you already know how to take a dab properly, you can skip this part.

I will be giving you tips on smoking your shatter or wax by dabbing. 

Dabbing is just the process of vaporizing dabs, also known as concentrates, at heated temperatures using a dab rig, dab pen, or an e-rig.

Some points to bear in mind while dabbing: 

  • Dabs are potent types of cannabis, just a little goes a very long way. Buds have about 15-25 percent THC, whereas dabs have 60-90 percent THC.
  • In dabbing, temperature is crucial: if the nail has become overheated, terpenes will be scorched, resulting in a coughing fit.
  • Avoid touching a hot nail; it will be more scorching more than a lighter.

If you are set to start dabbing after setting up your tools and preparing your dab and you have not dabbed before, be patient, no rush.  How to dab cannabis will be explained in the following stages.

  1. Light the torch and direct the flame to the nail’s bottom. The nail is usually heated until it turns red hot.
  2. Switch off the flame after the nail is heated. Quartz nails can be left to cool for 45-60 seconds, whereas titanium nails should be left to cool for 10 seconds. A timer will be useful in this situation.
  3. When the temperature is perfect, put the dab on the nail using the dab tool and gently inhale. To remove all of the concentration, spin the dab tool in the nail.
  4. Cover and uncover the nail with a carb cap while inhaling to adjust airflow. Always keep your dabs capped.
  5. Breath out and enjoy it.

How To Achieve The Perfect Dabbing Temperature

Blow torch being prepped to take a dab. How To Take A Dab?

Dabbing concentrates gives you a powerful headrush and a delicious scent, but there are a few things you can do to improve your dab session. 

Learning how long to heat your nail prior to applying your concentrate is an important aspect of dabbing. 

Novice dabbers frequently question how long to heat a nail for and to let it cool.

What Do I Need To Smoke Dabs?

banger-nail used to take a dab

The pace that your nail heat-up and cool-down is affected by the dab rig, nail, and heat source, therefore it is vital to consider them all while attempting to achieve the right temperature. 

Blowtorches are available in a variety of forms and sizes. 

Blowtorches, which are often utilized for repair work or cooking, have assisted users in getting their nails hot enough just to dab. 

You may select from a little handheld torch to a smart and attractive light to a long-lasting desk torch. 

Each torch enables you to heat your dab nail traditionally, although some are more efficient than others.

The length of time you have to heat your nail is based on these factors:

  • The material of your nail (quartz, titanium, ceramic); 
  • The quality of your nail; 
  • The size of your nail; 
  • Your nail thickness; 
  • Concentrate consistency

When deciding how long to heat your nail, keep the aforementioned considerations in mind.

When dabbing, temperature is key, as I previously stated. You will burn terpenes, ruin the flavour, and most likely have a coughing attack if a nail is too hot. 

The idea is to heat the nail to a higher temperature than you need, then let it cool to the proper degree before applying a dab.

How To Regulate Dab Temperature

thermometer and stop watch. how to take a dab.

The length of time you have to heat a nail prior to dabbing is determined by a number of variables, such as your ideal dabbing temperature. 750 degrees Fahrenheit is the starting point for high-temperature dabs. 

When a nail glows red, you know it would be too hot. Low-temperature dabs occur when the temperature is between 500 and 650 degrees Fahrenheit. Each temperature has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

While dabbing with a torch, there really are various methods to verify and manage temperature:

  • Using an Infrared temperature gun 
  • Use of Timer 
  • Experience/Initiative

While dabbing, many users make use of a timer. Prior to actually applying the dab to the nail, try heating it for about 30 seconds and afterwards letting it cool down for about 60 seconds. 

Because this is an approximate suggestion, you may need to test to determine the best time for you.

A few users merely depend on their intuition and use their palms to sense the heat emanating from a hot nail. It will require some experimentation, and it will be less precise than with a timer.

To accomplish so, burn the nail till it is just blazing red (approximately 30 seconds), next prep the dab while keeping your hands a minimum of 6 inches away from the nail. 

It’s time to dab after cooling enough and there is no straight focus of heat on your palm. You will have to try once more to locate the perfect spot.

You may use an infrared dab temperature gun; it measures heat using a sensor or laser. Heat your nail, get the dab ready, and aim the gun at the cooling nail. It will give you the correct temperature so that you can apply your dab at the appropriate time.

The simplest approach to control heat is with an e-nail or e-rig, which are digital tools that enable you to dial in a specific temperature without the need of a flame. 

Because each device is unique, it is important to read the instruction booklet before attempting to arrange things.

How To Cold Start Dab

mad with sun glasses taking a cold dab at home.

Cold-start dabbing (dabbing cold or reverse dabbing) is a method of dabbing that retains extra terpenes and tastes over hot dabbing. It is also a reduced-temperature dabbing technique.

Cold-start dabbing involves first placing a dab in a cold nail, after which you heat it. At a far cooler temperature than typical dabbing, the dab should start to melt, providing the user with a tastier and terpene-rich sensation.

Cold-start dabbing is advantageous since it eliminates the need to wait as long for the nail to cool down between hits.

Cold dabbing will also help to keep your gear in good shape than regular dabbing. You can lessen the risk of breaking and debris accumulation by exposing your nail to far less heat.

Dabbing from a cold start is simple and usually better than typical dabbing. To start dabbing from scratch, do the following:

  1. Place a dab on a clean nail free of any waste from past dabs.
  2. Use a carb cap to cover the nail.
  3. Light up the torch and hold it a few inches from the bottom of the nail till the dab starts to boil and convert to a vapor in about 10 seconds.
  4. To induce convection, switch off the flame and begin breathing while spinning the lid.
  5. Breath out and enjoy it.

Invest In An E-Nail

E-nails enable for electronic temperature control, which is a significant advantage over traditional nails. 

Instead of depending on clues, this might make heating the dab more precise. Keep track of the temperatures that create the needed effect with different kinds of concentrate.

If you want to vape a variety of concentrates from various brands, maintaining a notebook with comments might be helpful. 

E-Nails are made up of the following components: 

  • a titanium, quartz, or ceramic dabbing surface 
  • a heating coil that sits beneath the bowl or bucket to maintain heat 
  • a wall plug to supply your e-nail power 
  • an electronic temperature meter that allows for gradual temperature adjustments

E-nails do have some drawbacks, such as being limited to an electrical socket or being a pricey venture, but they’re wonderful for temperature control and worth investigating if you are really serious about dabbing. 

Buy an eNail for total temperature accuracy if you do not want to bother about with a torch, timer, and thermometer gun. 

Just regulate the eNail to the temperature you want and leave it to the device. But avoid getting burned by its heated coil.

Some Other Conditions that make dabbing perfect

1. Make sure you’re using the best concentrates you can get. You would not dab poor concentrates the same way you would also not consume rotten weed. Sadly, determining the grade of concentrates is extremely difficult.

Buy your extracts from a certified dispensary, not some random source to prevent inferior concentrates.  Yeah, you may even be able to get some shatter at a deal, but it is not worth risking your health to save a little money. 

Not to forget the unknown consequences of long-term use of concentrates that are contaminated with solvents, pesticides, toxic metals, and other pollutants.

2. Ensure you have all of the necessary dab tools. Now that you know the concentrates to look for at your online dispensary, it’s proper to discuss the kind of dab gear you’ll need to do the task. A dab rig, nail, carb cap, and dabber are all needed.

3. Keep your dab tools clean on a routine basis. There’s no chance of taking a great dab with a messy setup. The finest (and simplest) approach to maintaining your tools is routine cleaning.

Simply clean your nail after each usage. This ensures a delicious dab every time. The frequency with which you cleanse your rig is determined by how frequently you use it, but a monthly deep-clean should suffice. Cleaning your dab rig assures that you inhale just the pure flavour and scent of your concentrate, with no traces of reclamation.

Knowing How To Take A Dab; Takeaway 

Knowing how to take a dab is super technical but it is also satisfying when you get that hit so invest in making sure your dabs are as good as they can be.

Check out our collection of concentrates from a variety of strains on our online dispensary to give you the perfect dabbing experience.